Whatever happened to web 2.0? A few years ago (2006-10ish) we saw a lot of desktop computer functionality get imitated by web-browser based tools, a lot of them for free.  For awhile it seemed like you do almost anything on the computer for free if you just got the Google search term right – voice… Continue reading 2015 TRENDS — WEB 2.0 – ENDANGERED SPECIES?

Kim’s Favourite iPad Apps and stuff from 2013

Kim Mitchell’s been doing a lot of training on iPads for Special Education these days.  Kim, a long time trainer at Bridges, has been working with AT for too many years than she wishes to calculate at this point (suffice it to say, she knows how to solder, the phrase “change the jumpers” makes her think of… Continue reading Kim’s Favourite iPad Apps and stuff from 2013

New firefly App for iPad from Kurzweil

Kurzweil Educational Systems (KES) just announced the release of the Kurzweil 3000® – firefly app for the iPad. firefly is a streamlined version of Kurzweil 3000, the reading/writing software for kids to adults with literacy challenges, that  runs entirely off the web. You can learn more about firefly and its app on our K3000 web page. firefly is… Continue reading New firefly App for iPad from Kurzweil